Day 3, 21 June 2018

Hello beautiful people of the interwebs

How is everyone? I hope jolly good because I’m sick, I’m always sick gosh. I’ve had a horrid tummy bug for the past four days that I got from my 3yr old cousin. So I’ve been home for a while and been doing no walking therefore kinda failing this thing😂, BUT I was sick so.

So I’m VERY sorry there have been no posts for a few weeks it’s been hectic. School has been a tad busy. Anyways Update time , I’ve lost 1.5kgs! I’m so happy and even though that’s not a lot in your head that 3 bags of 500g popcorn🍿🍿 which I all I eat 😂 .

My Birthday is coming up on Sunday the 24th it’s not a big one but still I’m excited I had really fun “party” thing at a coffee shop with my close friends and we had awesome milkshakes the are those crazy ones. I decided to treat myself cause it was my birthday after all.

I also cut my hair today and it looks so freaking cute I’m so happy I went to a new salon and was kinda nervous cause my hair is like my security blanket.

Hope you guys have a fantastic week and I’ll try post more because I’ve been getting requests.

Love Sarah

Offline xoxo

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